Friday 3 May 2013

Inside The Temple Script (Elemental Wolves)

For our Graphic Narrative Assignment we have to produce a comic page that will appear somewhere in our future FMPs, I wanted to base mine still around Elemental Wolves but specifically on Faith's Backstory (published last year on Blogger). However this time I focusing the story on the battle between Yuki and Spear meaning Faith won't have much of an appearance so to speak.

~ KawaiixFukuro (Eillisha Buccheri)

Inside The Temple
The scene is set in Ryuanji Temple, inside Yuki’s room is a pile of old but comforting pallid yellow blankets, two guns in their holsters, some books and candles lit around one end of the room in a semi-circle. The interior follows that of a Japanese style having Tatmi floors and Shoji screen doors.
Yuki lays on his blankets having a wooden splint on left paw. Slowly he opens his eyes nervously twitching his ears back and forth, voices of Faith and Dreyzer can be heard outside his room.
Dreyzer: I can understand your worry Faith but please Yuki is still resting (Calm voice with a worrying tone)
Faith: But you don’t Dreyer! (Irritated tone) Please (short pause) I’m begging you I need to ask him- (begging)
Dreyzer: About what exactly? (Curious)
Faith: I-I can’t say exactly (Calm tone)
Dreyzer : (Sigh) Ok
Yuki slowly applies pressure to his front legs growling for the pain. The shoji screen opens letting in a small ray of light.
Dreyzer: Nice to see you awake (Curious tone)
Dreyzer slowly pads across to Yuki who slightly purrs from radiating heat.
Yuki: Nice to hear a welcoming voice (Kindness in his voice ending in a chuckle)
Dreyzer : That’s my speciality Yuki (normal)
Yuki: Now, now let’s not get hasty Dreyzer (Hint of sarcasm)
Dreyzer stands proudly in front of her fellow friend before gazing down at his somewhat broken wrist.
Dreyzer: You should be able to put pressure on it in a few days (Normal tone)
Yuki: You done this? (Questioning voice with a serious tone)
Dreyzer quickly shakes her head glancing at Yuki, then nodding at the opened shoji screen door where Faith once stood.
Dreyzer: No (Short pause) Faith and Itachi helped, but something didn’t seem right (Worried voice going into a slight whisper)

Yuki slightly tilts his head at Dreyzer’s news and Dreyzer copies shortly after.

Dreyzer: What’s up with you? (Questioning tone)

Yuki: What do you mean something didn’t seem right? (Questioning tone as well sounding slightly serious)

Dreyzer: Well I don’t know- (short pause) her aura didn’t look right; it was red like she wanted to let something out, anger? I don’t quite know (Normal tone)

Yuki closes his eyes momentarily before trying to arise again.

Dreyzer: But then she’s been busy riding Yangxin and coping with her training and that Itachi lad- ya know real typical teenage angst moments (Worried tone but trying to sound positive)

Yuki stops and goes back to rest.

Dreyzer: What happened, Yuki? What aren’t you telling me? Come on you know if I have a problem I tell you- spill the beans (Curious tone leading into a demanding one)

Yuki gazes at Dreyzer’s form again.

Dreyzer:  It’s not every day I see our fearless leader being carried by Baowu and Joey now is it? (Questioning tone)

Yuki: Dreyzer… (Quivering voice)

Slightly shaking, Yuki looks away towards the candles, remembering from past memories.

Yuki: Spear… he ambushed me when I went off to hunt that day (Fearful tone)

The waterfall near Ryuanji Temple is quite large starting on a rocky mountain top. To one side lays a lush set of verdant convers and oak trees where Faith and Yangxin remain hidden to Yuki and Spear. Near one edge of the waterfall is a series of rock shards that Yuki eventually falls into, in certain places lays some mountain shrubs large enough to conceal a wolf.

Spear: Ha you don’t think that pathetic excuse for a seeker will find out the truth? (Mocking tone)

Yuki: She’s not pathetic (Angry tone)

Snarling Yuki l fixated in a defensive position, hackles raised and pearly white teeth bared in warning. Spear also resembles this stance.

Yuki: Faith is everything you’ll ever be! She’s a bloody good Seeker that has surpassed her farther-(Shouting)

Spear: Shut it! (Vicious tone)

Yuki: “- and she will become rightful heir to this land, Faith is the princess of Crystal Dynasty. Faith is your ruler and mine too( Still shouting at Spear)

The dragon instantly lunged at the wolf aiming for his legs, Yuki launched himself into the air above narrowly missing the dragon’s attack before releasing an insignificant sphere of lightning upon the serpent. Countering it with an equal amount of fire, the dragon smirked as Yuki was forced through the clammy air landing harsh along a family of piercing, jagged rocks that relentlessly penetrated his sensitive flesh. Yuki immediately jumped back up into his fighting stance ignoring the agonising that spread across his right flank, like a dangerous disease taking hold over a person’s body. Lowering the front of his body down to the ground, paws outstretched feeling the dirt writhe underneath his claws, eyes knitted in pure concentration of tactics. The dragon charged over to the wolf letting loose an ear-splitting battle cries of harsh flutes being simultaneously blown on the highest note possible.
Yuki howled in unison over- powering the element of music himself, all the while waiting for the earth to respond to his call. Spear discharged an intimate fiery burst of flames towards where the ashen wolf lay.  In a spilt second the inferno clashed against ligneous ancient roots from below, sending sudden sparks across the mountain top, alighting tiny patches of grass that were scattered anonymously  around them as the vegetation twisted in vain from dragon’s flame. Jumping over burning stems, Yuki spun in mid-air lashing his twenty tails against his enemy’s right eye. Spear stumbled back in mixture of pain and alarm, rearing up on his hind legs, wings outstretched in an attempt to terrorize the canis lupis.
Smirking at the failed attempt and knowing the scaly serpent had a blind spot; Yuki bounced back up into the air above Spear’s head.

Yuki: Kai! (Commanding tone but shouts this line)

Liquid from the nearby waterfall sprouted into long streams that danced around canine willingly awaiting his commands. Thrusting a paw towards the dragon below him, Yuki observed images the fluid moulded into. First a formation eagles diving for Spear like a fish before crashing into the earth next to him, rapidly transforming into a pack of wolves. In amongst the gorging wolves the body of the dragon disappeared into nothing more than smoke and ash. Silently Yuki landed amongst khaki shrubs that concealed his existence perfectly. Unexpectedly a vermillion tail holding yolk yellow feathers collided with the wolf’s side, throwing the canis lupis across the edge of the rock-strewn cliff where water freely cascaded into treacherous rapids.
Yuki whimpered in shock as he hastily clawed scorched terrain below him, desperately hoping he could cling on to something- anything; just as long as he didn’t fall. Malicious sinister laughs ricocheted across the mountains previously before drowning amongst the rushing water that descended below. Menacing golden orbs flared with pride and smugness gazing upon the weaker species. A bulbous encrusted paw bitterly landed on top of the wolf’s left paw slightly pressing weight against it. Spear lowered leisurely lowered his scaly head glaring at the ashen canis lupis who held that impending stare with his own. Yuki growled at self-satisfied smirk his opponent wore, feeling his fur slightly rustle from Spear’s breathing sending icy chills down his spine.

Little did either know, Faith concealed herself behind a prehistoric tree trunk taking in every aspect of the battle behind her; confused at why Spear, a guardian of Crystal Dynasty was attacking her mentor ruthlessly without an excuse to explain his actions. Yangxin nickered anxiously also witnessing the scene displayed before him, wanting nothing more than to gallop off into the distance and join Shun in the pasture, nibbling that sweet, oozing, fresh grass in the beautiful summer evening.

Spear: Tell me traitor, if Faith is supposed to be the princess why hasn’t she banished you- or is she a traitor as well? (Mocking tone, being very sadistic)

Spear tightens the grip on Yuki’s paw.

Yuki: She doesn’t know… (Worried tone, panting in between words)

Yuki’s body slightly convulses

Spear: Oh is that right? Tell me then why did you murder her parents allowing that scum, Hiro, to massacre not only the rest of my family, but hers and your pack of flea-bitten wolves family as well?(Still the same tone as before)

Spear forced all his pressure onto the left paw, twisting it forcefully until a sickening crack shadowed by discordant scream reverberated throughout the mountain range.
Faith’s stomach summersaulted at Spear’s interrogation setting loose a rampage of questions upon her innocent mind- did Yuki kill her parents and why? The sounds of Yuki voice whimpering brought her back to the real world.

Yuki: I-I didn’t know I was being used, I-I wanted my parents back..I was only a cub- (Fearful tone slightly begging)

Spear: Silence! (Shouts this angrily)

Without warning, Yuki spat out a fearsome jet of fire once again stunning Spear and making him free his grip from the wolf’s shattered paw, letting Yuki solemnly becoming entwined against the rushing current, exposing his form to the nearby rapids allowing himself the pleasure of slipping into an ecstasy of darkness.

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